Saturday, 21 November 2015

Happy Birthday Transpotting!

Well, here we are then. An entire year of this stuff. 52 weeks of constant unfiltered emotions, a roller coaster of feelings laid bare onto the screen for you to read.

What I'm trying to say is happy birthday Transpotting !

And what a year it has been. Last year I expected to write short posts here and there with a tiny readership but it's become much more than that. It's been a lifeline to the outside world and a chance for me to push myself further. I wouldn't have thought even at this time last year I would have started presenting as female in public, the idea was so far off in my mind but writing here has given me the confidence to be myself. I've attempted to be far more active in the trans circles too, since starting this page I've come into contact with some absolutely amazing individuals who help me day in day out. This page started as a way for me to vent my feelings, for a long time I thought I was the only person who identified this way but I now know that I'm not alone. And I hope in some way this blog has made others feel the same. It's become more than just a personal diary of sorts. A few years back I was totally unaware of this vast and exciting group of trans men and women kicking all sorts of butt online. More than anything though I've done something I never expected I would do. I started a vlog. I've put not only my face out there but now you can hear me, you can listen to my rather weird accent go on about feelings and stuff.

It's not all been sunshine and rainbows though. Being public with these sorts of details does open you up to a decent amount of abuse from a minority of small minded individuals. I've faced enough vile talk to last me a life time, this isn't about them though. This is our day !

I want to thank you all for the kind words of support this year. When when things get to me as they often do the odd comment here cheers me up greatly. Or when someone sends me a personal message saying how my words helped them through a difficult situation well, that makes it all worth it. I wish I could thank all of you individually, I wish I could throw a huge party and bring all of my visitors over for cake and cider, although I'd need a lot of cider :P

So. Grab the closest drink to hand and join me in a toast. Happy one year Transpotting. Here's  to many more :D

Charlotte xxx

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