Why not both? |
I don't really want to dwell on this all that much. It's only fair that if I create work it should be up for criticism and thankfully this is only an insignificant number compared to the huge amounts if praise I receive. But it always surrounds the same thing, what I could do in future to 'look more feminine'.
This isn't the first time I've written about a topic like this. Only a few weeks ago I spoke about someone telling me how to have a more "Feminine Smile" but I feel it's something I should discuss again.
What I'm really being told is how to 'pass' better as a woman. What I could do in order to trick you all into thinking, even for a split second that I am physically female. I should want to look so 'hyper woman' as I'm going to call it that I can slip undetected into the ranks, when really it's about inner expression rather than how I look. You only end up focusing on the negatives. Being told "Yeah it's ok but if you do this with your makeup, then you will look more like a girl" doesn't benefit anyone in the long run, least of all me. I know this sounds somewhat like I'm blocking criticism however small or inconsequential. Just remember that we aren't up for debate.
Plus what is our obsession with making sure we 'pass'? What I mean is why is it so important for others to tell me what their interpretation of womanhood is? Are they worried that being seen with me is somehow going to cause embarrassment and are they simply looking out for me? I would like to think the latter however I think it has more to do with this idea that people are allowed to critique the physical features of a trans person. That we are somehow trying to become our desired gender and aww bless are failing. A stereotype perpetuated by Television & Film where trans characters are often presented that way. Like we are baby deers, taking our first unsure steps into womanhood. Non matching clothes, shoes too small and makeup slap dashed on our face. Luckily for us we have our kind friends to tell us we look ridiculous and with a little help us poor ladies can end up as beautiful as them. That's frankly patronising and insulting to the trans community and the gender you are supposedly representing. If people seek advice then by all means give them the support they ask for. But don't just assume that our expression is open for critique.
So here's a picture of me I guess.....
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